Heidi Chan

Heidi Chan composes/performs music and designs sound for theatre and dance. Heidi plays bamboo flutes, percussion (including Japanese taiko drums), modular synthesizers, and teaches audio production and East Asian music at Toronto Metropolitan University. They are a member of Japanese folk music ensemble tenten, multi-traditional music collective Massyr Ensemble, and perform at various electronic music and experimental/improv series across Toronto.
Select theatre credits: Titus Andronicus 2.0, Macbeth (Tang Shu-Wing Studio–Hong Kong); Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare’s Globe–UK); Iphigenia and the Furies (On Taurian Land) (Sagacollectif/Architect Theatre/Passe Muraille); Wing Night at the Boot, Team on the Hill, Café Daughter (Blyth Festival), The Washing Machine (Red Beti Theatre), The Tempest (Company of Fools), Trojan Girls and the Outhouse of Atreus, No Save Points (Outside the March), Anahita’s Republic (Bustle & Beast), A Number (That Arts Group). https://linktr.ee/heidiwychan