Sofia Rodriguez

Sofia Rodriguez (she/they) was born and raised in the City of Mountains: Monterrey, Mexico. They are an immigrant and settler and Dora-nominated actor, creator and collaborator based in Toronto.
Selected credits include: Mi Casa de Incienso (Soulpepper Queer Cabaret) mientras tanto//缺口 (Rhubarb), The Solitudes (Aluna/ Nightwood), Half-Life (Tarragon), Communist Manifesto For Children (Rhubarb), Beautiful Man (Factory Theatre), La Maleta (Roseneath), Noor (Aga Khan Museum), Shadow Girls (Pencil Kit Productions). A stage reading of the musical In The Heights (We Are Here), and the short films Sinverguenzilla in ‘First Kiss’(Inside Out), Love You to Death and Diferente (Inside Out), The Morning After (Inside Out/ LA Outfest).
They’re a founding member of Mala Collective, their work has been featured in Soulpepper’s QueerCabaret and the NAC’s Transformations Project through Nightwood Theatre.