Our Supporters

Season Sponsor

Public Funders

Corporate Sponsors

New Play Development

Foundation Partners

Training Enhancement Programs

Visionary Patrons | $10,000+

Corente Capital Management

The Estate of Kenneth Dawe

The Henry White Kinnear Foundation

Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation

The Racioppo Family Foundation

Elda & Bruce Ratford

TD Bank Group

The Wuchien Michael Than Foundation

Creator’s Circle Patrons

$5,000 – $9,999


The Estate of Lori Anderson

$2,500 – $4,999

Sarah & Laina Bay-Cheng

F.K. Morrow Foundation

$1,000 – $2,499

Alex Boulos
Paul Butler & Chris Black Foundation

The Peter & Eleanor Daniels Foundation
Andrew Gillespie
Larry Lubin

Dr. Joel Kaplan & Dr. Sheila Stowell

Factory Insiders

$500 – $999

Stewart Adams
Joe Borowiec
Kate Bishop & Doug Gerhart
Richard Cioci
Lynn Bevan Fund
Laura Frith

In memory of Nicholas Hawkes
William Milne
Susan Moellers
Alon Nashman & Elizabeth Pasternak
Catherine Riggall

Maureen Simpson & Almos Tassonyi
Susan Sutton

$300 – $499

Amanda Attrell
Ronald Haynes

Sian Ferguson & John Fraser
Linda Lee
Steve Lico

Sam Mooney
Nan & Jack Wiseman

$25 – $299

Farzeem Ahmed
Rik Aikman
Anonymous (20)
Gail & George Anthony
Aviva Armour-Ostroff
Patricia Arney
Harold Averill
Kathryn Ball
Keith Barker
George Bartlett
Brian Beagle
Michael Belmer
Elena Belyea
Kym Bird
Jerome Black
Janice Boccmin
Mark & Alison Boudreau
Edina Cavalli
Celine Chau
Annie Clarke
Rosemary Coombe
Teresa Cooney
Teresa Cooney
Shaneen Cotterell
Sheila Coulter
Ken & Gerald Crowell
Anabel Dalmo
Pauline Defederico
Dave Dickson
Jan Dmowski
Steven Donohoe
Brian & Janet Dunfield
Len Dvorkin
David Eden
Barry Edwards
Andrew Edwards
Andrew Faiz
Joyce Feinberg
Barbara Fingerote
Gordon Floyd
Judy Fong Bates
Elaine Freedman
Hugh Furneaux
Donna Gall

Bruce & Amanda Garrett
Sydnie Geller
Esther Geva
Randy Goldman
Rob Gomes
Ricardo Gomez-Insausti
Kamala Jean Gopie
Cathy Gordon
Doreen Gryfe
Maureen Gurney
John Hague
Bridget & David Hague
Roni Hanig
Celia Harte
Chanelle Hartwig
Raymond Helkio
Karen Hines
Catherine Ho
Nancy Howe
Ann Hughes
David Hughes
Lauren Brotman &Jack Gronhaus
Pam Jackson
Kent James
Hillary Johnston
Martin Julien
Dahlia Katz
Judite Kokis
Geoff Kolomayz
Erik Kvernstad
Catherine Leatherdale
Cal Lem
Bradley Lepp
Verna Lester
Gregory Light
Robert Maklan
David McIntyr
Jordan Merkur
John Methven
Martine Michelle
Diane Miles
Derek Miller
Robert Motum

Penny Noble
Ann Noges
Jennifer Norman
Lorna Novosel
Eleanor O’Connor
Joanna Odrowaz
Marissa Orjalo
Judith Parker
Katie Pellizzari
Ruth Ann Penny
Eric Petersen
Nancy Pleich
Sam Polzin & Will Innes
Janetter Porter
G. Raby
Ceta Ramkhalawansingh
Andrew Roberts
Dennis Robinson
Bruce Ryder
Faye Schepmyer
Valerie Schweitzer
Adam Seelig
Reut Shilton
Stephanie Shinkoda
Alan Shonfield
Elsie Sparks
Alyssa Spear
Chris Stanton
Bobby Theodore
Jacquie Thomas & Michael Spence
Charles Steven Trenholme
Katheryn Urbanek
Brent Vickar
Barbara & Jack Vininsky-Millar
Nancy Webster
Maureen Whiehead
Anna Whitley
Tim Wichert
Lindsay Wilson
Elaine Wong
Gail Wright
Sonya Young

Listed donations for July 1st, 2023 – June 30th, 2024. If we have made any errors or omissions, please accept our sincere apologies and contact the Factory Development Office at 416-504-1078 or mollie@factorytheatre.ca.